I like it.
just Ron
1. if we have listened to herd, we will show it.. his demands oppress, and screw up our day.. it makes us unhappy to hear and to know it,.
and well be stressed if we know and obey.. (chorus).
2. this way of life, like a jail, is a sentence.
I like it.
just Ron
it was always stressed that the five weekly meetings were like the fingers on your hand.
each one was just as important as the next.
which of the meetings were the most boring,bothersome and difficult to listen to?
rules and regs switch 1 and 2 but about the same for the rest.
Just Ron
my vote is for the lord of the rings, all three of them.
or pretty much any star trek movie.
i tried watching the lor movies today, but my god, it's just battle after battle after battle and frodo, cute guy though he is, wimping out all over the place and having to be carried by everyone.. dull... i have never succeeded in watching those damn movies from beginning to end..
Maybe a better title for this thread^. Have not seen any television shows yet like Alf, Dinosaur, and survivor.
girl at work gave me one of these.
i was very appreciative of her doing so, yet too embarrased to ask her what it was.
i thought it was the toyota logo at first.
jehovah's witnesses do not do that!
again: jehovah's witnesses do!
jehovah's witnesses!.
While all other religions CLAIM to teach the truth, Jehovah's Witnesses alone follows the Bible completely, even when it is not popular with the world. The world says that blood may be needed to save a life. However, though unpopular, Jehovah's Witnesses refuse to compromise their integrity and follow the Bible's strict order to "abstain from blood". (Acts 15:29)
Then why do some Jehovah's witnesses take some fractions of blood?
just Ron
how far does the "barking chain" of gossip spread from one kingdom hall's judicial committee to another kingdom hall?
the record to my personal knowledge (three counties away 100 miles.
)is i had a brother call me and ask if "brother so-and-so was going to be disfellowshiped on thursday night", he heard it from our cobe.
Sounds like your COBE has a problem keeping his trap shut. Time for a keep your mouth shut local needs part to me.
jus Ron
I used my day off work yesterday to put up a small artificial tree in my family room. Just Ron has already started hanging lights outside. i won't put up the big tree until Thanksgiving because I'm going to get a real tree. I'm sure the local dubs will notice my Christmas lights and tree in the front window, but I don't care! I'm going to have a great Christmas this year!
ETA - this is Finally awake (of the too lazy to find her own laptop class)
i certainly am , providing their are strong arguments that the perpretrator of the crime is guilty beyond any reasonable doubt of the crime he/she is charged with .. i am not religous ,however i do agree with a life for a life principle ,especially if it involves multiple victims.
somebody killing x amount of people, proven of course , have no right to live.
of course with murders of one victim their can be many scenarios which the courts of law can adjudicate for whatever an outcome.
I don't think capital punishment is the right answer. For any case where there is the possibility the wrong person was convicted, there is no remedy if the person has been executed. For cases where there is no chance the wrong person was convicted, and the crime was something that the death penalty is warranted, I'd rather see the person rot in solitary confinement. No outside contact of any kind at all - just food through a slot.
did you notice that some jw's men and women tried to bring in new people just to marry them ?
i saw this with my brother about the year 2001. he met this girl off some chat line.
he liked her, but it was one big problem; she wasn't a jw.
My uncle did that. He met a witness girl, she must have been 15 at the time. He wanted to date her, but she wouldn't go out with him unless he became a witness. So he studied, got baptized, they got married, and he went to prison over the neutrality issue. She was 16 when they married, he was 21 (I think). They've been married 52 years now, but I wonder how happy they actually are.
Finally Awake (of the too lazy to change log-ins class)